Sugar Apple


  • One Fruit contains 1 piece of fruit (sizing varies)
  • Small Box contains up to 3-5 pounds
  • Large Box contains up to 8-10 pounds

Product description

Important Info: Sugar Apple matures in a variety of sizes. To guarantee you receive larger sized fruits, please order a Large Size Fruit box.

Origin: Sugar Apple is native to the tropics of South America and the West Indies, and is also cultivated in Mexico, the Bahamas, Bermuda, and South Florida. Sugar Apple is the most widely grown member of the Anonna family.

Flavor Profile: It is similar in sweetness to Atemoya, but has a different flavor.

How to eat

Sugar Apple may need time to ripen on your counter at room temperature of 70 degrees or above after arrival. This fruit is ripe when soft all over. Enjoy the insides, and spit out the seeds! (see video & ripening guide below for guidance)